
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Staff Training / Bad Oscar # 1

I have been in my digs for a few days now, and it is time to sort out some things.

First, the litter tray. It wasn't where I would like it. I tried to tell the staff but they wouldn't listen, so I had to provide a demonstration (Staff note, yes, he was a bad kitty and had a poo where he shouldn't do). This had the desired effect and the litter tray was moved in to my preferred corner. Much better.

Now to defeat the door.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Road Trip

This little kitty has been on a road trip. It was cool.
I was put in my box, thought I was off to the evil man who pokes things in to me. However this was longer so I took the opportunity to have 40 winks.

Upon arrival I was introduced to some more staff, and had another premesis to inspect. This one had a bed to jump on and hide under. I liked.

Careful inspection required.

All this excitement was too much, so when the staff left me alone for a few minutes, it was time for some sleep.

After a little while, back in the box and home again, for some more sleep.

Sleeping Kitten

Friday, 24 May 2013

Ow ow ow ow ow ow

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Ow ow ow ow ow.

(Staff note - yes Oscar has been to the vet. If you look at some of the photos you will notice a fluid around one eye, some drops have been provided to deal with that).

Ow ow ow.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Interviewing Staff - Second Interview and Relocation

Wow, another exhausting day. Let me tell you about it.

Second interview again today. The nice man from the other day came again, along with a nice lady. I showed how I could sleep on the knee of anyone, while my sister's decided to also get in on this game. Mum came in, had a look around and then wandered off again.

My sister gets in on the act (I am cleaning myself on the right)

I was called cute and had lots of fuss made of me. I decided I liked these staff, so a relocation fee was paid and I was put in a box and carted off.

Didn't like the driving much, so I complained, although nothing was done.
Then it was in to the new home.

I have my own litter tray (no longer sharing), food and water bowl (sisters were always fighting for food). I even have a post to climb and a nice bed.

Exploring my new digs.

A huge sofa to climb and lots to explore.

I was also introduced to this great toy which is a mouse that will not keep still! I like to chase it.

Before long it was time to go to bed, so I was put in my basket and the staff turned out the lights.

I couldn't sleep, so after asking them to come back (they didn't) I explorered some more, but then this exhausted kitty curled up and went to sleep.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Interviewing Staff - Second Interview Postponed

I was simply too exhausted after yesterday, so the second interview has been postponed until tomorrow. Time for some more sleep.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Interviewing Staff

Wow, what a day.
Today was the start of interviews for staff. I didn't know it was going to be so exhausted. This little kitten is going to need a sleep very soon.

So this nice man comes in to see me and my sisters. We are all a little shy. However being the man of the house (dad has to stay outside) I go to check him out. He picks me up and puts me on my knee. Seems ok, so I fall asleep on his knee, and have a purr at the same time.

Eventually I wake up, and decide to get on to the floor, I jump down, lie down between his feet and fall asleep again.

Some time later I wake up, have a little run around the room before falling asleep again. It is tiring being a kitten!

A second interview has been arranged for tomorrow.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A Cat is Born (Welcome)

On this day, I was born.
I was the only boy in the litter.

My mother is called Blue, and is a blue British Short Hair. My father is called George and is a tabby coloured British Short Hair.

Nothing more to add to this post, just this is where it all began.