
Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Interviewing Staff - Second Interview and Relocation

Wow, another exhausting day. Let me tell you about it.

Second interview again today. The nice man from the other day came again, along with a nice lady. I showed how I could sleep on the knee of anyone, while my sister's decided to also get in on this game. Mum came in, had a look around and then wandered off again.

My sister gets in on the act (I am cleaning myself on the right)

I was called cute and had lots of fuss made of me. I decided I liked these staff, so a relocation fee was paid and I was put in a box and carted off.

Didn't like the driving much, so I complained, although nothing was done.
Then it was in to the new home.

I have my own litter tray (no longer sharing), food and water bowl (sisters were always fighting for food). I even have a post to climb and a nice bed.

Exploring my new digs.

A huge sofa to climb and lots to explore.

I was also introduced to this great toy which is a mouse that will not keep still! I like to chase it.

Before long it was time to go to bed, so I was put in my basket and the staff turned out the lights.

I couldn't sleep, so after asking them to come back (they didn't) I explorered some more, but then this exhausted kitty curled up and went to sleep.


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